New doors – Part 8 – finished!
While it has been very helpful to have photos emailed from friends on the progress of the installation of the doors there is nothing like seeing for yourself. So after an overnight ferry crossing and the 6 anda half hour drive we arrived to near total devesation inside the house! While we had covered up the furniture with dust sheets and plastic and the builders had attempted to use dust sheets as well the place was a mess. Luckily I had 2 days before Sue arrived and so by that time the devestation status was downgraded to merely dusty.
But the good new is that all the cleaning, scrubing and dusting was well worth it as the doors are a great success. The masons finished them on Friday afternoon and just have to come back to collect there scaffolding etc (it was pouring with rain on Friday afternoon so they left without it). The final invoice was of course higher than expected but only by around a 1000 Euros and due to our insistence on stone facing so was not unexpected.
The before and after pictures say it all…..