la papeterie de Vaux-Malherbeaux

One of our local ‘attractions’ is la papeterie de Vaux-Malherbeaux an old paper-mill. While we have frequently driven past it we have never stopped to investigate. There is a small car park and it does seem to get occasional visitors, we even spotted a coach once! While Peter and Felicity were with us we paid it a visit, and it was one of the best sightseeing afternoons I have ever had.



The mill was used until 1966 and when it closed the doors were just shut and everything was left inside ‘as-is’ and the old machinery is still there and has ben restored. Unfortunately they are not allowed to run it as it doesn’t meet (or even get close to) modern heath and safety law given the open belts and wheels, steam heating etc.



We were given a tour by a volunteer guide (who spoke very good English) and it was fascinating and to be recommended to all. The mill is owned by the town of Payzac as a tourist attraction and run and maintained by a team of volunteers. It was suggested I might like to join. One day perhaps….